My Life List

run a 5k / travel to italy / plant a garden / take a photography class /start & finish a 365 photo project /run a half marathon /make my own pickles /read 12 books in one year / learn yoga / join a photograhy club / do one photo shoot each year with all grandkids / take grandkids to disneyland / learn to can my own vegetables / travel to greece / learn photoshop / create 12 craft projects in a year / run a 10k / travel with mom and sisters to new england states in fall / start & finish a blog and book with grandma's paintings / learn to meditate / take grandkids to beach / live in florida / live in arizona / walk/run 1500 miles in a year / learn spanish / visit yosemite / ride in a hot air balloon / visit glacier national park / snow ski again / go zip lining again /

Thursday, April 22, 2010

New Garden

This year I'm taking the plunge and I'm going to plant a garden back in the corner of the yard. I'm hoping that I will have at least a little more time this summer to do the weeding and such. I know that Jeff does not want to help, so I'll be on my own. We have someone coming over tomorrow to to the tilling. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

ShellyKay said...

Good luck and don't worry, gardens somehow seem to survive without weeding! :)