My Life List

run a 5k / travel to italy / plant a garden / take a photography class /start & finish a 365 photo project /run a half marathon /make my own pickles /read 12 books in one year / learn yoga / join a photograhy club / do one photo shoot each year with all grandkids / take grandkids to disneyland / learn to can my own vegetables / travel to greece / learn photoshop / create 12 craft projects in a year / run a 10k / travel with mom and sisters to new england states in fall / start & finish a blog and book with grandma's paintings / learn to meditate / take grandkids to beach / live in florida / live in arizona / walk/run 1500 miles in a year / learn spanish / visit yosemite / ride in a hot air balloon / visit glacier national park / snow ski again / go zip lining again /

Thursday, April 29, 2010


This is my cousin Lora. Isn't she cute? Lora blogs here and here. She's knocking down the bird nest off the air conditioner. It sounds like this is a daily activity for her. They must be very stubborn birds.
I was locked out of my house when I came home from Minot last Saturday and had to stay with Lora. It's nice to have someone close by to call when that kind of stuff happens. Luckily it doesn't happen very often. Here's the really dumb thing. I had to wait until Sunday afternoon for someone to bring me a key from Jeff. (Jeff was in Fargo and a friend of his was coming home on Sunday.) When I was digging through my purse on Wednesday, I found my other set of car keys. There was a house key on that set. I had no idea that I had them in my purse.
It was nice to visit with Lora though.

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