My Life List

run a 5k / travel to italy / plant a garden / take a photography class /start & finish a 365 photo project /run a half marathon /make my own pickles /read 12 books in one year / learn yoga / join a photograhy club / do one photo shoot each year with all grandkids / take grandkids to disneyland / learn to can my own vegetables / travel to greece / learn photoshop / create 12 craft projects in a year / run a 10k / travel with mom and sisters to new england states in fall / start & finish a blog and book with grandma's paintings / learn to meditate / take grandkids to beach / live in florida / live in arizona / walk/run 1500 miles in a year / learn spanish / visit yosemite / ride in a hot air balloon / visit glacier national park / snow ski again / go zip lining again /

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Abby's Afghan

I started today at 3:00 am and left for Bismarck to help prepare breakfast for 250 National Guard members. This was a really early start to my day, and I hadn't really planned on staying up all day. I thought that I would get a good nap in somewhere. When I got home I mentally made a list of some of the things that I would like to get done today. Things like update my blog (I have lots of entries to make, just haven't taken the time to write them), update my flikr page, balance my checkbook, maybe dust and vacumn the house. Then I looked at this pile of crocheted squares that was waiting for me to sew them together and finish the afghan that I am crocheting for Abby. I thought that I would sew a few together and get a couple of strips done today.

Needless to say, I just couldn't put it down. I've been working on this project for quite a while now. According to the pattern, it was supposed to be 15 squares. When I had finished those first 15, I decided that it was not going to be big enough and I would need to make at least another 15. That was hard to get motivated for, especially since I had thought that I was going to be done the first time. It took quite a while to finish the next 15 squares, but they finally got done. Anyway, after working on this all is the finished project. It was made from a pattern in Vanna's Choice, Heartfelt gifts book. I modified the pattern a bit. As I said, I doubled the size and I added a border. I'm kind of anal, and I like things to be more symmetrical, so the border made sense to me.

Here's the finished product. I can't wait to see Abby in May and give it to her. Purple and green are her favorite colors.

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